Christmas Crooks
The Christmas holiday season is a time of fellowship and goodwill, but it is also a time that cyber-crooks are out in full force looking to take advantage of the giving nature of good folks. Be sure to follow these tips to avoid being a victim of Christmas-related scams.
Check It Twice
If you receive an electronic gift card, be sure to check the legitimacy with the giver prior to opening. Also, be especially wary of attachments or links.
Buyer Beware
Be cautious if dealing with new or unfamiliar retail websites, especially if their prices are too good to be true. These could be malicious sites looking to steal your information.
Don’t Share Your Location on Social Media
If you let everyone know that you are at grandma’s for Christmas, the bad guys will know that your house is empty. Wait to share until you get home.
Use Public Wi-Fi Safely
Avoid banking, online shopping, or accessing sensitive accounts using public Wi-Fi networks (unless you are using a VPN). These public networks may not be secure and criminals may try to steal your sensitive information.